BAB 66

Romance Series 11496

Sewaktu mereka sarapan bersama, Herra mendapat tahu daripada Minzu yang Anna telah terbang pulang ke Sydney dan dalam masa yang juga mahu Herra pulang secepat mungkin. Herra mengawal perasaannya di hadapan Sae hyun dan merenung sejenak wajah itu dan teringat komen salah seorang peminat Sae hyun.

'Jeon Sae hyun is so handsome looking, cool, stunning, charming and also don't forget! He's kind, humble, sweet, reponsible, down to earth, funny guy, hard working and really considerate about people around him especially his hyungs. He's perfect boyfriend material!'

"She's right.." Herra bersuara pelahan namun Sae hyun masih dapat mendengarnya.

"Dae? Who is she?" Sae hyun bertanya.

"Oh! No one.." Herra terkebil-kebil baru tersedar dia terlepas cakap.

"Are you okay?" Sae hyun berhenti menikmati sarapannya cuba fokus ke wajah Herra. Dia yakin ada sesuatu yang menganggu fikiran gadis itu.

"I'm fine.." Herra cuba tersenyum.

"Are you sure? but wait you said before you need someone to talk. What is it? There a something bothering you?"

"Sure! It's was nothing. I'm just get bored at the time. Let's finish the meal."

Herra mencapai gelas yang berisi juice orange menutup gugup hatinya. Sae hyun merenung wajah Herra seketika seperti cuba mencari sesuatu tapi kemudian dia mengangguk.

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