Chapter 26

Family Completed 22837

Bab 26

When you say any caller or a caller, is the caller known or not known? Not known. When you say the caller, is the caller known or not known? Known. Allah says none of us are anonymous. Alla of us are not an ‘A’. We are a ‘The’. Allah knows us particularly and will respond to our calls individually. He won’t say, “Oh. A slave from Texas called… made du’a.” He will say, “That one, that slave of mine called. He made that du’a.” Allah is very particular.

Allah then says, “I will respond even this guy is not used to make du’a.” He (The slave of Allah) can call once in a blue moon out of some crazy thing that happened in his life. He could even have made du’a by accident but even that guy! Even if he called upon Allah one time, Allah will answer. So none of us can say, “I don’t even pray, I’m so messed up, Allah won’t answer my du’a.” Allah tells us just to try him once! He is waiting, where are we?

Then Allah says, “I respond to the single call of the caller.” Tell me when you say caller, “Hey, Ya Allah Rabbi… caller.” Does that mean the caller is a certain standard? Could a caller be a good person or bad person? Sure! A caller is a caller. Allah doesn’t say He will respond to the call of the good caller. No conditions are put upon the caller so as long as he is a caller. So it doesn’t matter how messed up we are. This invitation is open, so as long as you are a caller and to Allah, you are not “A caller”, you are a “the caller.” Even if that’s all you ever did, you never made a single act of worship in your life, you just decided to turn to Allah once he will still respond whenever you call, it’s up to you.

Ya. Allah will respond to the call of the caller.

Ya Allah, selamatkanlah dia. Sesungguhnya dia hanya manusia biasa yang tidak pernah terlepas daripada melakukan kesilapan.

I have no right to judge that guy but I have right to correct you. I shoudn’t meet you but I can’t let you attempt suicide anymore. Tu bukan cara yang sebenar untuk jumpa DIA.

Aku tersentak di kala daun pintu diketuk. Daun pintu terbuka beberapa saat kemudian. Mama masuk. Aku duduk di birai katil.


Bab akan datang:

Apa yang ingin mama berbual dengan Najya?

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2024-02-11 17:28:02 


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