Chapter 39

Family Completed 22837

Bab 39

“Allah is saying, accept who you are. I think you are beautiful. Why do you think you are ugly? Why do you have to be unhappy with yourself?”


“And molding is not just in the physical sense. Even in our personalities or capabilities, Allah has given each and every one of us certain strengths, certain abilities, certain talents. He is the one who gave them to us. So when we don’t appreciate what we’ve been given, then we are not appreciating Allah Himself because He’s the one who gave. Just like when somebody gives you a gift and you don’t appreciate it, it’s a disrespect to the one who gave you the gift. All of what we’ve been given is a gift from Allah.”

Well said.

Semua ni betul.

Aku tak kata dekat sesiapa. Nak kata dekat diri sendiri aje. Bersyukurnya tidak. Kerja nak mengeluh. Ini tak kena, itu tak kena. Haih. Syukur, Jiya. Syukur.

Phone tiba-tiba bunyi. Aku kerling skrin telefon. Mesej dari Fath.

Fath : Yow.

Jiya : Not yow.

Fath : Tak sporting ah kau ni. Along kau kirim salam. Aku mesej dia tadi.

Jiya : Asal Along tak mesej saya sendiri? Saya kan adik dia. Sampai hati Along

Fath : Bising ar kau ni. Along kau tu sayang aku lagi. Hahaha

Eii… pak cik ni cakap ikut suka dia aje.

Dah lama tak jumpa Along. Sejak masuk Pasum, memang aku tak tengok muka dia lagi tapi dia nak balik dah. Hee…

Fath : Jiya…

Jiya : Ya.

Fath : Jangan terasa dengan apa yang aku nak cakap ni.

Jantung aku tiba-tiba berdetak laju.

Fath : Bila kau nak pergi sekolah? You need to confront people, Jiya. Dah berbulan-bulan kau duduk dekat


Jiya : I don’t know.

Fath : Go to school, girl. Dah tiba masanya kau hadapi semua ni. Pindah sekolah kalau kau tak boleh stay

sekolah tu. Tahun depan kan kau nak ambik SPM. Dah banyak benda kau tinggal. Come on, girl. You

can do it. Jia you.

Jiya : Boleh tak saya fikir dulu?

Fath : Fikirlah. Jangan tak fikir. Aku nak out dulu. Nak kena pergi masjid. Hee…

Can I confront people? I have no confidence.

Tapi… tahun depan SPM.

Aku berfikir sejenak sebelum phone bunyi lagi.

Along : Abang Fath cakap Jiya merajuk dengan Along.

Jiya : Ma… na ada. Pak Cik Fath tipu Along tu.

Along : Are you okay without me by your side?

Jiya : Quite okay.


Bab akan datang:

Mengapakah Alongnya bertanyakan sebegitu? Adakah dia akan meninggalkan Najya?

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