Chapter 1

Romance Series 27651

"Good Morning Princess, wake up. Today is the most important day in your life. Don't be late,Sayang" Professor Shakira mengejutkan anak manjanya.

"5 more minutes ibu. I will wake up." kata Nurul Qistina kepada ibunya. Hari ini merupakan hari graduasi Qistina.

"No more 5 minutes!! Qis nak bangun ke atau ibu nak panggil ayah? Qis tahu kan ayah tak suka lambat!" ugut Professor Shakira.

"Ye!!! Qis banggun ni ibu." Lalu mengambil tuala yang tersidai dan masuk bilik air.


"Good Morning Ibu, Ayah. Breakfast apa harini? Tanya Qistina sambil duduk sebelah ayahnya, Encik Kamaruddin.

"Good Morning Qis. Did you see what's the time now? Its half past 7! Your convocation starts at 8." marah Encik Kamaruddin.

"I'm sorry, Ayah. Qis terlanjak tidur." Senggih Qis.

"Whatever! Cepat makan and move to your graduation. Nasib baik campus dekat dengan rumah." kata Professor Shakira.


"Congrats Qis! Finally you did it! I'm proud of you, my princess. What's your next plan? Nak sambung master or kerja?

"Ikutkan Qis, Qis nak kerja dulu, Ayah. Cari pengalaman. Qis dah apply kerja pun. And the good news is I already get that job. I will be joining tomorrow. Excited Qis, Ayah."

"Qis, kenapa tak kerja dekat syarikat Ayah je? Lepas Qis dah dapat pengalaman, you can take over our company." tutur Encik Kamaruddin dengan nada sedih.

" Jangan sedih Ayah. Qis akan kerja di syarikat kita. Tapi dalam masa terdekat ini. Let me get some experience from other places first, Ayah".

"Hmm. Yela."


"Sesaknya jalan. Kalau la tiap-tiap hari macam ini, Qis memang tak tahan ini." Kata Qistina lalu mencari parkingnya. "Baru pukul 8.30am, Mcd sebelah je, apa kata beli hot chocolate and apple pie, dulu." monolog Qistina dan jalan ke Mcd untuk beli sarapan.

"Hi Ayah. Qis dah sampai. Aaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!

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