

Fanfiction Completed 134973

Suzzy mendapat maklumat tentang Suraya pada teman-teman dia Kolej, Terus ia mendapatkan Jeffrey yang lagi berkumpul dengan rakan-rakan mereka yang lain.

"Hi Jeff.." Suzzy mendapatkan Jeffrey di sisi Alex.

"Eh hi baby, what's wrong.. you don't have class today..?" Jeffrey terus berjalan kearah Suzzy.

"Yes but later in the evening.. I can ask something but not near here.." Suzzy tersenyum sendiri dia mencium pipi Jeffrey sesaat.

"Oh yes.. Let's go there.." Jeffrey mengenggam tangan Suzzy ke taman.

"What did you want to ask earlier, say it.." Jeffrey memerhati pada wajah Suzzy.

"Erm, what's the story with you and Suraya? I heard you broke up." Suzzy mula buka cerita mereka.

"I've never even been in love with him.. we're just friends." Jeffrey memeluk tubuh Suzzy erat sekali.

"Yes, are you and him just friends? But why before now you always go everywhere with him.." Suzzy memerhati anak mata Jeffrey tanpa kelipan mata.

"Honey.. listen carefully... me and him do not have any special relationship."

"We are just friends and nothing more than that.." Jeffrey mengatakan itu Suzzy sudah tahu Suraya berada di belakang Jeffrey sekarang ini.

"So it's true that you just thought we were friends all this time..? Why.." Suraya berubah dingin.

"Sofea.. What are you doing here..?" Jeffrey beralih wajah pada Suraya yang betul-betul berdiri tegak dibelakang.

"You made me like this to the point of my heart. I tried to explain the truth before this but you flatly rejected it."

"You didn't want to hear an explanation from me.."

"Y-you drove this woman crazy until you were willing to leave me Jeff.." Suraya terus menampar pipi Jeffrey sekuat hatinya.

dia sudah tidak perdulikan sesiapa saja yang berada disitu.

"Sofea, Suzzy, listen to my explanation first.." Jeffrey mula gelabah bila Suraya menjauhkan diri darinya.

"Listen carefully Jeff before you want to continue all this.. I'm not even facing a Playboy guy like you.."

"I don't even want to get to know you before this but you're the one who insists. Hm." Suraya tersenyum lebar dia menunduk wajah di depan Jeffrey.

"What do you mean..?" Suzy mula merespon tindakan Suraya.

"If you want to know he's a famous Playboy around here. I'm too stupid to be fooled by a man like this.."

"And you take him take care of him okay bye.." Suraya bergegas pergi dari situ dengan tenang.

Jika ini yang Jeffrey mahukan darinya.

Dia sanggup buang segala kenangan mereka.

"Sofea wait.." Jeffrey berlari mendapatkan Suraya kedua tangannya di genggaman erat.

"Sofea!! Listen to what I have to say. I don't want to leave you but I'm afraid of what happened to us before."

"H-have you forgotten what happened that night? Do you remember..?" Jeffrey cuba memeluk tubuh Suraya tetapi dirinya di tolak jauh.

"I don't remember and I don't want to know anything else.. it's enough that you already have Suzzy, you're right."

"W-we're just friends and nothing more than that.. goodbye Jeff.." Suraya terus melangkah kaki keluar dari pusat kolej itu.

dia ke sini untuk belajar bukan nak cari publisiti murahan seperti Jeffrey.

"Sofea.. Sofea wait.." Jeffrey cuba mengejar langkah Suraya tetapi ada seseorang membawa Suraya pergi dari situ.

"Sofea, I'm sorry for my past mistakes.. I still love you, I still love our relationship.." Jeffrey menunduk kepalanya.

"Why don't you be honest with him that we already have a special relationship Jeff..?" Suzy mendekati pada Jeffrey.

"I'm sorry, I told him I already had you Suzzy.." Jeffrey beralih arah pada Suzzy.

"But you still love her.. I don't want to share my love with anyone Jeff.."

"P-please don't ignore our relationship please.." Suzzy memeluk tubuh Jeffrey dengan erat dia mula menyayangi lelaki itu.

"Well I won't ignore your feelings. I'm trying to forget him.." Jeffrey tersenyum sepi jelas di ingatan Suraya menangis di depannya tadi.

Hatinya berbelah bahagi kepada dua wanita yang dia sayangi.

"Jeffrey.." Azhar sudah di belakang lelaki itu.

"Uncle.. ah excuse me, what's wrong..?" Jeffrey melepaskan pelukkan dari tubuh Suzzy.

"I heard everything earlier, I hope you change your actions of noticing women here and there."

"Just one person is enough to take care of her.. Don't repeat past mistakes again."

"I'm not mad at you for having other women but remember that doesn't mean I don't sit idly by this.." Azhar tersenyum sinis pada Jeffrey.

"What do you mean uncle..? I don't understand.." Jeffrey tergamam seketika bila Azhar memberi amaran begitu padanya.

"It's okay if you don't understand.. be careful in the conversation, yes."

"I ask myself first.." Azhar melangkah pergi meninggalkan Jeffrey dan Suzzy disitu sendirian.

"Let's get out of here.. it's late." Jeffrey menarik tangan Suzzy pergi dari situ dengan segera.

"Alright.. we're going now." Suzzy mengikuti langkah Jeffrey pergi dari situ.

"Look at that man's base is useless." Suraya mencebik bibir..

"It's not good to say that, he was once your lover, too!" Fairuz tergelak sendiri.

"Once!! But he is in the past Aya.. let it be as long as he is happy enough.." Suraya bercekak tubuh di dalam kereta. diikuti tawa Fairuz.

Azhar kembali masuk ke dalam kereta, dia memerhati pada wajah Suraya diusap ubun-ubun anaknya kejap.

Kereta mereka beransur pergi dari situ.

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2022-11-09 01:37:13 

gi mampuslah jeffry tu..hehehe cari lain..huuu

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