| • A T T E N T I O N P L E A S E • |

Romance Series 12749

Noor nak kasi tau satu news. Asalkan Kau Bahagia ( AKB ) akan diupdate setelah dapat 1K viewers di ( even I knows, tak tahu bila la nk dapat...) . Bukan vote okay? Vote tu, kasi dapat 100 pon jadilah. I don't need vote. I'm just writing for fun! Not to be a wattfamous, inkittfams or even a novelplusfams! Popularity doesn't mean everything! But, experience is more than anything in writing world! Note for myself.

Noor buat challenge ni bukan sebab nak attention tapi buat masa sekarang, Noor agak busy dengan homework. Maybe, I will take almost a week or more. Sebab sekolahkan lagi 2 minggu.

So, kalau dapat 1K ( hope so...) dekat , Noor akan update! Kalau dah sampai, boleh tulis dekat message board or tag Noor. Sebab Noor ni... heheh.. kalau buat homework ataupun kerja apa pun, fokus dekat benda tu je! Tak fikir dah benda lain! Agak ii gempa bumi, Noor nak sedar tak? Cer komen.

Kalau dah sampai tu, bagitau eh. Noor ada tiga acc actually. Heheh....

: AdninSalvatore

Novelplus : Noor_Adnin

Inkitt : AdninSalvatore

Tolong like eh dekat inkitt? oky! bye ii. jgn lupa buat homework!


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