
Kisah 37 : Even though i know about it well , i gonna let it blown like a wind

Spiritual Series 2661

Sometimes i be like the most cool one . I become the most calm person ever . It is not easy . It is surely very complicated and hard . It is only about heart. A small heart that consists a lot of terrible things in it . That terrible things only about a feeling . A feeling towards something . A feeling that cannot being deny . It is such like a harmful things . A very harmful things that cannot being touch . If there is any person touch it , then something else that is surely precious gonna destroy . My own self like that actually . If there is any things that is surely not come from my own desire , i gonna make it destroy . I gonna kill them. I hate it too much . That is the real me . A truth about my own self . My own self is not a criminal but when there is any things that is not my desire , i gonna be like a criminal . My own self is just like that . I am such a bad person butit is only for the time being to make me survive . So , that i let it all . I become like a wind that only know how to make anything gonna pass it through . Lucky me . Haha . I am glad . Huhu .

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