
Young Adult Series 3327

Cahaya langit yang kini bertukar warna menjadi oren gelap membuat suasana di kawasan perkuburan itu malap.Kelibat seorang lelaki tinggi, berdiri di atas timbunan tubuh yang berselerak di atas tanah,kesemuanya tidak bernyawa kelihatan. Trench coat berwarna merah yang kini penuh dengan tompokan darah disapu perlahan olehnya.

"You killed all the zomps? Even the one in the grave?" Suara milik seorang gadis yang turut memakai wrap dress berwarna merah kedengaran. "Seriously Riel? Macam mana kita nak explain all this mess to the king's?"

The guy didn't answer.His black irises rotate " I leave it to you."

"Riel! Even if kau marah pun, at least think about the after effect will you" gadis itu mengeluh " if you wanna kill someone, kill those vamps.Their the mastermind after all."

"She died, Celeste. She.Died." senada ayat itu dibalas oleh lelaki itu. " Since our race originated from hell, i show them all what that really meant."

Langit senja itu bertukar gelap. The area around the cemetary were now surrounded with thick fog with a flash of electricity.

"Riel!" Gadis itu sedikit menjerit.Riak mukanya gelisah " if kau used magic here, you gonna attract the Ravaryn attention"

"I don"t care." Lelaki itu berjalan menuju ke arah mausoleum di berwarna putih dihadapannya yang diliputi bunga hidup.

Pintu mausoleum itu terbuka sendiri, udara sejuk yang jika dihidu berbaur darah segar coming out from it.

A low eerie groan kedengaran dari dalam ruang mausoleum, sound like someone or something was in pain.

" Damn you Castriel." Celeste mengangkat lengannya ke udara, memusing jari sebelum gumpalan awan di atas tanah perkuburan itu menurunkan air hujan.

Gadis itu turut menghayun pergelangan tangan, membuat bulatan halimunan yang menutup seluruh kawasan perkuburan itu dari dimasuki oleh sesiapa.

"The rain will help to reduce the blood stain " Anak mata Celeste yang turut berwarna hitam kini sedikit bercahaya " as for the corpse.." Jemarinya sekali lagi digerak sebelum timbunan mayat itu terbakar " you guys already dead to start with so what the different being losing your life for the second time. If you end up in hell, i guess we will meet again later."

Air hujan yang turun dari langit kini berhenti dari turun di sekitar kawasan timbunan mayat yang sedang terbakar itu, making the fire grow wilder.

Celeste melihat ke arah pintu mausoleum. Kelibat Castriel sudah lama menghilang ke dalam.

Riak wajah gadis itu tegang. " Where other's? I can't handle this guy alone. He already lost his sanity."

Bayangan seorang gadis cantik yang sedang tersenyum riang di dalam taman bunga menjelma.

Before the image change. The same girl, lying lifeless in Castriel arm , with black blood stain all over her clothes and a knife that have ancient latin word curve on it, were stab straight into her chest.

Gengaman tangan Celeste makin erat.Dengan nafas berat, langkahnya diatur mengikuti jejak Castriel.

Tik tok ! Tik tok! Tik tok!

Mata gadis berambut koko gelap panjang yang terpejam erat kini dibuka.Peluh dingin jatuh dari dahi.

Hana Evans melihat detik jam yang berbunyi di dinding.

12.30 pagi.

Dia menghembus nafas lalu mengambil telefon bimbit yang masih dicharge di atas meja kecil di sebelah katil.

Beberapa pesan yang baru masuk dilihat sekali pandang.


( CLASS 1 A)

Lyone : (youtube video) Hello guys, since it been a month, anyone remember this?

Mark : oh my god this is epic.Siapa je tak ingat

Jessy : hahahha oh my god Lyone, you just spoil my mood showing this nerd face. Dia dah berhenti sekolah ke?

Luna : lol, dia ada ke tak ada sama ja kan.


Telefon bimbit yang dipegang oleh gadis itu dihempas kuat ke atas cadar. Video youtube dirinya diprank oleh rakan sekelasnya dilihat lama.

Bibir berwarna peach miliknya digigit.

How can she forget? That the event that made she quit school one month ago.

Was it wrong to be a nerd? How can become something who doesn't even give effect to other people life seem so wrong in society eyes.

Sekali lagi nafas berat ditarik. Wajah kedua ibu bapanya saat dia mengambil keputusan untuk berhenti kini bermain bagai movie pendek di minda.

She love studying, she just hate the people she meet along the way.

"You gonna be okey Hanna." Dia menampar lembut kedua sisi pipi " so what if kau berhenti sekolah? You're more clever than them, you can just self study by yourself."

Bunyi tapak kaki kedengaran di luar bilik sebelum tombol pintu dipulas. Hanna yang baru menampar pipi melihat tepat kearah pintu bilik tidur.

Bukaan pintu itu perlahan, sebelum bayangan seorang wanita berusia 50-an, with pale face and disheveled hair, wearing a yellow thin cardigan walk slowly into the room.

"Mom?" Suara Hana kini membuat suasana sunyi tengah malam itu terganggu .

Elizebeth Evans tersentak mendengar sapaan Hana.Tangannya yang memegang sekeping sampul surat berwarna koko lusuh hampir terlepas.

"Kamu tak tidur lagi?" Her tone sound weak, like she didn't get enough rest.

Hana pintas bangun. "Mom, is everything okey? You look tired."

Elizebeth kini duduk diatas katil Hana.Sampul surat yang dipegang, dimana bahagian pembukaan sampul itu ditutup lambang griffin lilin berwarna merah gelap ditenung lama.

"Mom?" Sekali lagi Hana bertanya, kini nadanya kedengaran risau.

"Oh, everything fine." Elizebeth akhirnya menyuakan surat itu kearah Hana "if you put aside that our family business is about to get bussier starting next week when the new branch is open, there nothing you should worried about.My dear, here. Aunty Sarah baru kirim few hours tadi."

"Surat apa mom? Did something happen to Aunty Sarah?" wajah Hanna berkerut saat sampul surat itu diambil

Elizebeth tidak menjawab, dia hanya merenung, memberi insyarat supaya anak gadisnya membuka sampul itu.

Hana, menyedari maksud renungan wanita pertengahan usia itu membuka perlahan sampul yang terasa sedikit berat itu.

Terdapat dua helaian kertas di dalam sampul itu, and the first one almost made she choke.



Dear Miss Hana Evans,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Querencia High. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. The terma have already begin but we will wait for your admission until 10 March 2021.

For a friendly reminder, there a few school main rules you should paid close intention to.

1) Please wear red clothes everytime you in school ground so we can identify you as our student.

2) Don't cross over to Forbidden Lake even if you curious, you might die.

3) The classes were divided into two, Day and Night class. The interaction between clasess is prohibited.

That be all, for now. We hope to be able to meet you soon.

Artemis Draco


Querencia High? Red clothes? Forbidden lake? Day and Night class?

Why does it's even said she might die?

The second letter is about the list of uniform and books she should prepare for her use during the entire sem.

Hana melihat wajah wanita di hadapanya dengan riak " I'm sorry mom, I might be too outstanding for this world that i don't even understand an inch what this random letter was about"

"Kamu tahu kan.." Elizebeth kembali bersuara " branch kedai kita yang baru nak buka minggu depan. Me and your father will be busy so.. we might not have a change to look after you macam sekarang."

Hana pantas membantah "Mom, Hana dah 16 tahun. I can take care of my self. Surat ni, why did Aunty Sarah kirim dekat Hana?"

Her mother sigh " Hana, you should go to school. I know, pasal trauma you going through sebab prank rakan sekelas kamu dulu but i think one month of rest is enough.Sampai bila kamu nak larikan diri dari semua orang?"

Surat itu dicengkam kuat "Mom.. i don"t want to go back to that school. Hana tak nak jumpa diorang semua dah."

Elizebeth mengangguk "I know, that's why I told your Aunt Sarah to pick a school dekat bandar dia supaya kamu boleh start new my dear."

"Bandar Aunty Sarah?sekolah ni dekat Cianna?" Nada suara Hana sedikit terkejut

Elizebeth terus mengangguk "yes dekat Cianna. That's why mom cakap kamu boleh mulakan kehidupan baru.Meet new people, made friend.That's all i want from you my dearest daughter, for you to be happy."

"But mom.." Hana masih cuba berbincang "Cianna like 5 hours away from here. What if i suddenly miss you? or father? Or even our house!?"

Elizebeth ketawa "silly girl. You said you big enough to take care of yourself and now you giving that kind of excuses." Badan Hana dipeluk olehnya " don't worry.We will go visit you after you adopt yourself there. Cianna masih dalam West Coast, we still in the same region.You're our beloved daughter Hana, you always were, so the most important things for me and your father is to make sure your life going smoothly."

Pelukan wanita itu dibalas oleh Hana. The room temperature yang sejuk kini terasa hangat. Dia memandang kearah sampul surat di tangan.

New life huh?

Maybe her mother was right.Deep down she wanted a reason to get out from this room but she don't know how.

Maybe this letter is the answer to that thought.

Hana menutup matanya.Muka disandarkan di bahu Elizebeth. Pelukan ibunya semakin erat.

Having a new life don't sound that bad.



well helo im back again lol

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