Chapter 7 : Vicious

Young Adult Series 3327

Someone dies! Someone freaking dies!" Suara jeritan hysteria itu kembali kedengaran.

"Oh my God!" Wajah ceria Adriane bertukar pucat. Dia melihat kearah Hana dan Violet " saya tak dengar silap kan? Someone...really dead?"

Hana menarik nafas, walaupun rasa sakit di lehernya masih terasa, but the after effect of hearing someone dies is more startling.

"The fuck?" Violet curse "baru hari first dekat sekolah ni and dah ada orang mati. Sekolah ni ada sumpahan ke apa?"

Suasana kecoh dari ruang dorm Roseheirn masih bingit. Kelibat remaja lelaki dan perempuan yang masuk dan keluar dari dorm dalam riak pucat membuat suasana semakin tegang.

Hana didn't know if it were their luck or what but the position the three of them standing in right now makes it easier for them to monitor the situation without staying near the room.

"hey!" Violet memegang lengan seorang remaja wanita yang kelihatan yang baru keluar dari dorm tersebut dan dalam keadaan menggigil, her face looks like it was drained of blood. "apa jadi dekat dalam tu?"

The girl, trembling hard look at Violet, trying to catch her breath

"My..Mylia.Mylia dead." Suara remaja itu gagap "oh my god Mylia dead! Our Mylia is dead"

She started to scream.

"Cool down" suara Violet kedengaran bengang " dah ramai yang menjerit dari tadi, tambah kau lagi seorang won't do anyone any good."

"Bu..but..she..she" Gadis itu kelihatan susah untuk menerima kenyataan.

Dia kemudian melihat kearah mereka bertiga sebelum mata gadis itu sedikit membesar.

Tangan Violet direntap kasar

"You guys! budak first year yang baru datang semalam kan, the one yang Mylia urus. What did you guys do to her! "

"hey!" Muka Violet berkerut,cuba menarik tangannya yang direntap
" you talking nonsense. Kitaorang doesn't even know her personally, atas sebab apa the three of us nak do something bad dekat dia."

"Anna!" Suara panggilan dari arah dorm Roseheirn bergema " Anna, let go of her."

Beberapa orang remaja, from both gender, berlari kearah mereka, cuba memisahkan gadis itu dan Violet.

"Sorry!" A glasses girl with red long curly hair menarik Anna jauh dari Violet " she was Mylia best friend, the shock must be gotten into her."

Violet mengosok pergelangan tangannya yang kini kemerahan "it's okey."

"Lepaskan aku! They must have done something to her! Mylia still okey je semalam, why suddenly she takes her own life. The new student must have done something to her!" Suara jeritan Anna menarik perhatian para pelajar yang berkumpul di hadapan dorm Roseheirn dan ruang corridor.

"Hana..."Adriane memegang lengan gadis itu " she accusing us, did she?"

"That was obvious" Hana berkata di dalam hati

"Hana, what should we do.." Adriane mula merengek "saya cuma nak kejutkan awak pergi kelas, how did it end up this way?"

"Try me." Hana masih berdialogue sendirian " I just want to have my night bath, how did I end up in this mess?"

"Stop it Anna" the tall guy beside the glasses girl make an annoying face "diorang baru masuk sekolah ni semalam, how can their even plot a murder?"

"Tapi Zayn!" Anna membantah "Mylia.."

"Day class student council yang arahkan Mylia to handle them semalam. It's not their fault. Selagi Mr. Abraham dan Headmistress Artemis doesn't make any announcement, aku sarankan kau diam"

"Korang bertenang," the glasses girl melihat kearah Zayn dan Anna yang masing-masing bermuka tegang "budak-budak first year ni tak tahu apa-apa, don't drag them into this fight. William, Sonia bring Anna ke bilik student council, we settle the issue there."

"Okey" balas remaja perempuan bertubuh sedikit gempal yang memegang erat tangan Anna " when will headmistress Artemis arrived?"

Zayn mengeluh " kau tak perlu risau, aku dah suruh Hayley pergi lapor. Right now, kau bawa Anna pergi, she throwing tantrum here will only give a bad impression dekat student council image."

"No, lepaskan aku. I have to meet Mylia. Let go of me! Sonia, William!" Anna cuba meronta namun sia-sia.

Tubuhya diseret pergi dari ruang corridor.

"Sorry pasal tu again, Anna a bit sensitif, she might misunderstand you guys" gadis berkaca mata itu bersuara sekali lagi. "Oh, by the way, I'm Naime, the day class student committee vice president"

"Violet" then make a gesture toward the two girls " Hana and Adriene"

"Helooo..." Suara Adriane cuba kedengaran ceria " Adriane Frost. This is my friend, Hana."

"Hana Evans" pantas Hana menjawab.

She looks at the group before spinning her head back to the dorm.

What a day, to meet the student council member and assassinating accident just on her first day.

She did pray for exciting and fun school life, but something like this not in her plan.


Deruan angin panas serta suara jeritan dan tanggisan manusia yang dalam kesakitan kedengaran dari jauh menyapa telingga lelaki yang duduk di atas puncak bukit, melihat permandangan bandar utama di bawah pemerintahan kerajaan milik Adriel, Cazzele.

The same town who he has been looking at since 1500 years ago, not an inch of its structure changed.

No, the structure of this place has never changed since the beginning of time.

" the town sure looks depressing huh if nak banding dengan bandar di human realms."

Castriel Echethier turn his head, just to see his twin sister sitting next to him

Angin panas sekali lagi membelai tubuh mereka.

Celeste Echethier makes a mischievous smile "hehe Riel, surprised! Kau mesti tak sangka aku tahu kau dekat sini kan."

Castriel tidak menjawab, dia kembali memandang kearah bandar di hadapan mereka " why you here?"

"Hurm.." Celeste mengoyang kaki mengikut belaian angin " waiting for you to cool down before I pull you back to the school, I don't want to return alone.."

The surroundings become silent for a while before Castriel kembali membuka mulut " if dad and the other kings never agree to participate in the peacemaking between the three realms and we didn't force to go to that school, Audrey mungkin masih hidup lagi sekarang."

Celeste made a face " kau tahu, blaming everything won't really help you to overcome her demise."

"What if I don't want to? Aku tak nak lupa she ever exists Celess. If I can I do that?"

"Are you a demon?" anak mata hitam Celeste melirik kearah kembarnya " if another demon lost their other half, those guys just found a new one without any hesitation. After all, "love" is an unusual feeling for us because we never have one to offer. Most demons just got together for a personal need like our parents or second motive, to reproduce.. So, why are you acting like this?"

Castriel laughs weakly " I do wonder Celess, what's wrong with me.?"

"Ah, this is troublesome!" Celeste mengoncang tubuh Castriel "get yourself together Riel, give me back my savage and badass twin who rules over this territory with our daddy and the leader of night class society. Your vulnerable self right now is a fucking embarrassment. How the, on our beloved hell, you gonna kill all those vamps bastard if you still acting like this."

Selepas goncangan ketiga, kedua tubuh mereka hilang secara mengejut dari puncak bukit itu.

Just to land in the castle main hall, with their father standing elegantly, but still looking like he was bored

Oh, and a portal to the human realm next to him.

"Daddy!" Celeste yang jatuh terlentang di atas lantai istana kini bangun,melihat garang " why did you forcefully summon us here, daddy cakap you gonna give some time for Riel to get ready!"

Castriel, also in the same position as Celeste turut bangun, but without a voice.

Adriel Echethier melihat kedua anaknya " a demon just broke into heaven realm. I suppose to be there to identify the wrongdoer since I one of the kings who recognize all demons in existence. I don't have time to wait for either of your to clear your emo phases. Get going now."

Mata Celeste sedikit membulat " a breach in heaven realm? No way, I never heard of that! Those angel must have something in their sleeves"

Adriel almost chuckled listening to his daughter's statement "dearest daughter, you just 1500 years, in our age, an infant. It's only natural that you never heard such a claim."

"I'm not a baby,!" Celeste pout then roll her gaze to Castriel "yo twin brother, help me!"

Castriel having a face that can be translated into (why did we even relate, I'm royally ashamed to call you my twins) walks into the portal " don't waste more of dad's time Celess, let's go."

Celeste, realize Castriel rejection to help her started to make a commotion "so much about being family! So much saying you are me, I am you, you idiotic bro.."


Kedua tubuh Celeste dan Castriel ditolak masuk secara paksa ke dalam lubang itu with an invisible force sebelum Celeste sempat menghabiskan ayatnya and after what feels like a split second, the scenery of their castle change over into a deep black rainforest.

Mereka berdua kini berdiri di bahagian tengah hutan, with a bright cloudy sky above them.

Di sekeliling mereka terdapat pokok tinggi beduri dan berdaun lebat mencacak ke langit.


A yellow rope, who appears out of nowhere kini melilit tubuh mereka. With every movement, ikatan tali itu makin ketat.

"Children......" A hollow voice, sound almost uncanny echo behind them.

Celeste mengalihkan mukanya, meniru riak bosan yang selalu muncul di wajah Adriel hanya untuk melihat bayangan hitam yang terapung di udara, di dalam jubah yang hampir koyak rabak, menunjukan ketulan tulang dan tongkat panjang with yellow shining, diamond

The Isolde.

"Hey, see this!" Celeste membuka luas bahagian matanya, showing her black irises. "Stupid Isolde, don't make me electrified you to death. Release the rope it's fucking annoying"

"Celeste" suara Castriel di sebelahnya kedengaran senada.

Makhluk hitam itu mengerakkan tongkatnya sebelum it hollow voice ringing again " the..demons.."

Ikatan tali yang melilit kedua tubuh Castriel dan Celeste kini terlerai dan hilang dari pandangan.

"You sure look more demonic than us bruh but whatever." Celeste memegang pergelangan tangannya yang kemerahan before the skin tone return to normal with just a glance "can you just open the gate, how long you planning to make us dawdle here?"

Makhluk itu tidak menjawab. Tongkat panjang dengan permata kuning itu diangkat sebelum kawasan tanah di bawah kaki mereka bergetar tanpa sebarang bunyi.

The area, yang dari pandangan kasar looks like other normal vacated rainforest, gambaran kawasan itu mula pecah, dengan kawanan pokok berduri tinggi yang berada di sekeliling hilang,diganti dengan kabus tebal. Lingkaran hitam kemudian muncul, mengelilingi kawasan tersebut beberapa pusingan, membuat awam biru di atas mereka bertukar menjadi hitam before an old mansion that suits the eerie vibe from the floating monster behind them menjelma.

The area returns to be surrounded by the rainforest tree back, from the mansion gate into its backyard, but the image of the rainforest is more ominous than before.

Celeste tersenyum, melirik at Castriel face yang masih tegang melihat kearah mansion di hadapan mereka, a glint of hatred emerge in his eyes.

Celeste also shiff her gaze back to the mansion " daddy shove us directly at the night class dorm, kinda like giving indirect hint for you to start the task as soon as possible, that man a brutal one huh, as always."

There no replied from Castriel.

Deep down, he knows that exactly what that vicious father of his yearning

"Prove your worth to me, you know I don't need a weakling as my successor"


-Prodigium behind the scene-

Author note :

Dead readers,

Story ni cuma my freaking imagination so don't take it too seriously. None of this was real etc. Just read it for chill okey ;-)

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