Chapter 2 : School

Young Adult Series 3327

" don't you dare!"

A female pitch high voice echo in the hall "so if the demons break the rules,we should just closed our eyes? Was it like that?"

Suasana di dalam dewan itu kini tegang. Cahaya pagi yang masuk ke dalan ruang itu sedikit malap, dihalang tirai langsir tebal berwarna kelabu.

"Bertenang Helene. No one said the act were allowed.Cuma jika kita lihat how the thing started.." balas seorang lelaki,bersisik di muka dan sekitar bahagian badan, with yellow pale skin and long dark silver hair " If we wanted to blame anyone, should we blame the party who started it first?"

Helene mendegus kecil " look at your kinds Nicholai. The people in Siren race always playing it safe"

Riak wajah Nicholai bertukar ketat "then should someone like you and your kinds act more patience and honourable. Didn't the fairies were famous for their kindness or was it's just a lie your race created?"

The woman face, who look gorgeous in light brown braids curly hair and diaphanous white clothing now turn red " how dare you!"

Nicholai made a polite smile, but his face still stiff " I guess that word were your favourite quotes today Helene, you keep repeating it over and over again."

"Silence! both of you." Kini wajah lelaki yang sedikit berkedut, with a dark brown skin, beard, a pair of gold irises and masculine face menghentuk meja panjang yang berada di tengah ruang dewan tersebut "kita berkumpul pagi ini bukan untuk dengar pergaduhan kamu berdua"

"Albert, if I may" kedengaran suara menyampuk dari sisi kanan meja panjang yang kedua belahnya diisi kerusi taktha berwarna merah gelap dan diduduki oleh 12 wakil dari kaum makhluk ajaib " did the Ravaryn rules number 254 stated that any races who spill the blood of another races member shall be punish with the effected races preferences punishement?"

Suasana menjadi bingit ketika suara para wakil yang lain berbisik sesama mereka setelah mendengar perkataan yang ditutur oleh suara itu.

Albert melihat kearah lelaki yang kelihatan seperti di awal usia 20-an, with good looking features and warm aura. His white hair comes with the package of the same colour for his eyelash, eyebrown and eyes. The white suit he wearing, with a fresh white rose in the pocket made him look like a sweet gentlemen.

"You were right Orpheus" Albert memandang kesemua wakil kaum di dalam ruang itu sebelum pandangannya jatuh kearah lelaki berkulit putih pucat, wearing a dark blue coat and looking like in his thirties with a red irises " then, what do you think, Cloudius?

Cloudius put his long finger under the chin "hah.." Dia mengeluh " If the demons race want Darly, I'm already surrender him to them. To be honest ,I don't even think that child still alive now."

" Then macam mana dengan all the zombie that get killed in the cemetary last night? " Suara bantahan kedengaran dari seorang lelaki pertengahan umur.His skin tone were deadly pale, without any trace of blood.His hair look shaggy. If a word can describe him, he seem lifeless. His yellow irises now looking straight at Cloudius why "why did my new brothers and sisters, who didn't even have a chance to fight one demon have to suffer a second death in our resting place. Some of them just changed into a zombie, masih dalam tempoh hibernasi and he kill them all too. Their were innocent"

"Audrey Aurelia is one of us , she innocent too" A woman with dark skin put her hand on the table. Her deep green eyes make anyone who seen it shiver in fear " she was innocent and she was killed.By all of us. We fail to protect her, our younger one. My race, for giving the curse knife.Cloudius race for planning the murder and Benjamin race for doing the deed. The rest, for failing to save her at the right timing. We failed her. That made us all, a murderer."

The whole room fall into silence.

The situation,didn't last long unfortunately, when a flicker of electricity appear in the room randomly, before a hole suddenly open out of nowhere.

Perhatian kesemua ahli Ravaryn kini beralih kearah lubang tersebut.

A screaming and loud crying can be hear clearly. The voice were mix of a man and woman, every scream were louder than the previous. The sound of sobbing and voice begging for mercy make the people in the hall have a twisted face. The image behind the hole can make a normal person vommit at the scene, with gigantic burning flames everywhere, the sea of hot lava and iron chain,hanging bloody human figure who can't even been regonize as one because of the cruel torture.The extreme hot air from the hole now flowing across the hall

It's was the scene of hell.

Sepasang tapak kaki melangkah keluar dari lubang itu. He was wearing a black turtleneck tshirt and jeans.

His dominant aura make the room temperature feel heavier. His face, looking like a young man in the twenties, seem so amazingly ethereal,making anyone who look at him can't take their eyes away even for a second.

The word "the face that sculpted by god itself" will fit this man perfectly. Even his has the arrogant expression all over, his beauty still looking like it's out of this world.

What an irony when the face that deserve such a praise is actually belong to a demon. Worst, the demon with an outstanding position and status.

One from the throne, the first kings of hell, Adriel.

"Adriel." Orpheus yang diam semenjak memukakan persoalan tadi memandang tepat kearah lelaki itu "to think the great king itself have the time to show himself in this unimportant meeting."

His tone were full of sarcasm.

Adriel kelihatan seperti dia tidak peduli dengan persoalan Orpheus. He treating the question like it never exist " so I heard a silly voice talking he want a revenge for his fallen friend."

Riak wajah Benjamin yang sedia pucat kini menjadi semakin teruk.Dia tidak menjawab,wajahnya ditunduk.

"Oh? Did I heard it wrong then?" Adriel tone sound ice cold. His fully black irises look at the face of all the Ravaryn member " I thought this organization have 13 member.Mind to explain why my side didn't get this meeting notice?"

Albert mengosok kepalanya yang tidak sakit. "Your son, Adriel. He making a scene last night,killing all the zombie in the cemetary."

"Castriel? So what? Apa kaitan what my son did with why I didn't get this meeting notice? Since when the children game have anything to do with us?"

Kesemua mereka membuat muka tidak percaya dengan jawapan Adriel Even Helena yang tadi lantang membantah kelakuan Castriel kini diam sepi.

"He.."Albert kehilangan kata-kata untuk membalas " your son need to be resposible for his action, Adriel."

Lirikan mata hitam Adriel makin sinis "responsible? If kita nak cakap pasal tanggungjawab, you guys should all know how vengeful our race can be. We didn't live in hell for no reason. If we wanna play this game fairly, the three races did kill one of us, should I just eliminate all three as a revenge for my sweet litle Audrey?"

Again, another silence fall into the room.

Adriel make a alluring smirk.He voice were low and deep " what a stupid faces all of your showing now. If you gonna be killed, it's by my son hand, it's his revenge after all."

Lelaki itu kemudian mengalihkan badannya menghadap semula kearah lubang yang menghubungkan the place his standing now and hell itself "oh Helene, if I heard one word from your mouth again regarding how i manage my kinds, I make sure the last time anyone saw you was the moment before you enter this room. Don't come to hell after you died Helene, you don't want to spend your internity seeing me."

Dengan kata terakhir diucapkan, lelaki itu kembali memasuki ruang lubang itu before it fully closed,leaving no clue that it even there in the first place

The room still in silence, tiada siapa yang berani membuka mulut, seolah Adriel masih berada di situ.

Nafas Albert dihembus kasar.Lelaki itu menyandarkan badan ke kerusi.

What a nuisance.



i mean,, Sir Adriel, if you're bad, why hot tho?

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