Superhero Completed 15913

I was just a girl, you were just a boy

together we were one

together we were perfect

talk about in sync

you know what I'm thinking

before I could even think it, get out my head

I was just a girl, and you were just a boy

two ordinary people

Made extraordinary love

extraordinary love

I was just a girl, you were just a boy

two ordinary people

two ordinary people

Made extraordinary love

extraordinary love

extraordinary love

extraordinary love

“Hello..beres bos..kerja yang bos suruh kami buat telah kami selesaikan..cuma kami nak jumpa bos kat tempat biasa tau sebelum kami beredar dari sini”kedengaran suara garau dihujung talian.Ryqal tersenyum mendengar apa yang dikatakan oleh orang suruhannya itu.

“Okay..aku on the way..”ujar Ryqal lalu memandu laju menuju ke tempat perjumpaan mereka.

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