Crime Series 290

A large favela with many resources, there are 56,000 people in this community which is a very large favela, people in this community feel safe, not fearing death or assault, people idolize the leader or boss whatever they want to say, the name of that leader from the favela be called Huguel, when people see Huguel passing by on the street all the people coming back starts to greet Huguel is thanking him for freeing him from the dangers of the community, Huguel just nods his head and smiles at his poor community after Huguel go away the people in the community start to go back to do their thing, Huguel goes to his hiding place and open the secret door, it's there! a 21-year-old man, tied to a chair and his mouth covered, the man punched in the face to wake up, the man wakes up and Huguel comes in front of him,

Huguel, today will be your end

Man just shaking with fear thinking of his terrible ending, Huguel looks at the tools and then looks at him

Huguel- you will have a slow death, see you in hell, rapist

(To be continued)

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