

Family Series 1126

Well one day we where driving to see my grand parents at the time. I was reading to my mother.
"There was a pack of wolves, playing with the new born wolf p-pup."

"Very good job," mom said with a friendly smile."
I looked up at her smile it felt happy and after all I was only reading for a month now no teacher to teach me. I looked out the front window, soon enough there was some out there in the road a mother deer with her baby doe. Dad pull over with his eyes still on the deer. then there was a loud crash sound and then I started to fly up just a little bit. My window was open so I un-buckle my seat beat after the car stop and crawl by my mothers window.
There was a lot of blood coming out of her I could only see her head. There was three pieces of glass in her forehead. Tears glided down my cheeks seeing her lifeless face with a scared expression. After I whispered, "I love you mommy," I went to dad side of the car, I couldn't see much of his face.
"Daddy.... Daddy?" I cried.
"Take this phone and call that number like I showed you." Dad respond.
"Hello...? Hello....?!" I yelled into the phone.
" Hello, this is 911 dispatch what is your emergency" the phone echoed.
" My mom and dad are stuck under the car help them please. Mommy isn't waking up." I said throw the tears.
"Help is on the way please stay calm."

Author's note:
Thank for support the beginning of this story, next chapter should be out soon.

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