
Romance Completed 31492

Sofian sempat memesan set tidur untuk biliknya sebelum mengambil Linda di kolej.
Sofian balik ni salin baju elok sikit, ada pekerja kedai perabot nk hantar set bilik tidur.
Melinda : kenapa?, abang tak suka tidur dengan Lin?.
Sofian: bukan begitu... Abang risau tak dapat nak tahan nafsu,
Melinda : I understand but we are not a biological siblings. I don't mind to do it with you.
Sofian: but. Our parents are still married.
Melinda : you don't like Me, because I am not as sexy as your girlfriends.
Sofian : I swear to god that I like you but we are binding with some restrictions.
Melinda: do you think that i am not studying?.
Islam only forbids a man to marry the women mentioned in verses 23 and 24 in Surah al-Nisa and permits other than those mentioned. The words of Allah SWT which means It is forbidden for you to marry (the following women). your mothers, and your children, and your brothers, and the brothers of your father, and the brothers of your mothers and children- your nephews, and your nieces and nephews, and your nursing mothers, and your nursing brothers, and the mothers of your wives, and the stepchildren who are in your custody from their wives -the wife you have interfered with; but if you have not joined them (and you have divorced them), then there is no fault in you (marrying her). And (it is forbidden for you to marry) the ex-wives of your own children from your seed. And it is forbidden for you to take two sisters (as wives), except what has happened in the past. Surely Allah is Oft -Forgiving, Most Merciful. And (it is forbidden for you to marry) the wives of men, except My slaves whom you have. (It is) a decree of Allah for you. And it is lawful for you to have women other than these, that you seek (wives) with your wealth in marriage, not in adultery. Then whichever woman you enjoy intercourse with her (after she has become your wife), then give them her dowry (perfectly), as an ordinance (which is obligatory by Allah). And you are not guilty of any agreement which you have reached after the marriage. Surely Allah is Knowing, Wisely.

Che da : translation.
Islam hanya mengharamkan atas seorang lelaki untuk berkahwin dengan wanita-wanita yang disebut dalam ayat 23 dan 24 dalam Surah al-Nisa dan menghalalkan selain daripada mereka yang disebut. Firman Allah SWt yang bermaksudDiharamkan kepada kamu berkahwin dengan (perempuan-perempuan yang berikut). ibu-ibu kamu, dan anak-anak kamu, dan saudara-saudara kamu, dan saudara-saudara bapa kamu, dan saudara-saudara ibu kamu dan anak-anak saudara kamu yang lelaki, dan anak-anak saudara kamu yang perempuan, dan ibu-ibu kamu yang telah menyusukan kamu, dan saudara-saudara susuan kamu, dan ibu-ibu isteri kamu, dan anak-anak tiri yang dalam pemuliharaan kamu dari isteri-isteri yang kamu telah campuri; tetapi kalau kamu belum campuri mereka (isteri kamu) itu (dan kamu telahpun menceraikan mereka), maka tiadalah salah kamu (berkahwin dengannya). Dan (haram juga kamu berkahwin dengan) bekas isteri anak-anak kamu sendiri yang berasal dari benih kamu. Dan diharamkan kamu menghimpunkan dua beradik sekali (untuk menjadi isteri-isteri kamu), kecuali yang telah berlaku pada masa yang lalu. Sesungguhnya Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani. Dan (diharamkan juga kamu berkahwin dengan) perempuan-perempuan isteri orang, kecuali hamba sahaya yang kamu miliki. (Haramnya segala yang tersebut itu) ialah suatu ketetapan hukum Allah (yang diwajibkan) atas kamu. Dan (sebaliknya) dihalalkan bagi kamu perempuan-perempuan yang lain daripada yang tersebut itu, untuk kamu mencari (isteri) dengan harta kamu secara bernikah, bukan secara berzina. Kemudian mana-mana perempuan yang kamu nikmati percampuran dengannya (setelah ia menjadi isteri kamu), maka berikanlah kepada mereka maskahwinnya (dengan sempurna), sebagai suatu ketetapan (yang diwajibkan oleh Allah). Dan tiadalah kamu berdosa mengenai sesuatu persetujuan yang telah dicapai bersama oleh kamu (suami isteri), sesudah ditetapkan maskahwin itu (tentang cara dan kadar pembayarannya). Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahui, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Sofian: ok I got your point but it is a sin for me to have sex out of wedlock.
Melinda :so you can have sex with other girls and it's a sin if you have it with me.
Sofian: I am protecting your dignity Lin.
Melinda : but I had fall in love with you. I only wants to be with you.
Sofian: I really don't know what should I do. Can we wait for our parents to come back home and discussed about this.
Melinda : they just went for 5vdays, they are going to be away for 4 months.
Sofian : I don't want to teach you how to do it. If you want, I will introduce you to any of my friends.
Melinda: it's ok, I am hurt with your rejection. I don't think that I am worth living in this world. Good bye. Melinda cuba membuka pintu kereta ubtuk terjun Sofian menekan car brake secara mendadak, menarik Melinda ke dalam perlukan sambil memujuk gadis itu.
Sofian: please tell me, the intruder story is just a lie, am I right, you are just using it to get close to me.
Melinda : there is a n intruder but I am feel safe with you. Just like how I feel safe in in my dad's hugs.
Sofian: do you want to sleep in my room tonight?.
Melinda : I love you big bro.

Berjayakah Sofian menahan godaan Melinda.

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