(First Bab)

Short Story Series 1015

My story with my ex yang sampai sekarang still chatting. Kitorang kenal lepas i heartbroken dengan senior di sekolah.
Masa tuh senior form four , i form two. Dia sebenarnya budak baru and hot sebab dia handsome. And i guess that i orang pertama saw him in school sebab i dtg sch awal pagi and dia sedang tidur kepala diatas meja. Bila i sampai port lepak i , i pandang dia and that time he looks at me too. And then masing² alihkan pandangan.

I heartbroken bukan sbb i pernah couple dengan dia tapi sbb i pernah suka and sayang dia more than abang angkat coz kitorang berangkat masa tuh . Olok olok berangkat jelah. but end up last day kitorang ,adalah masa i pi birthday adik angkat i, Nina not real name. I'll call senior , Cool je eh. Masa tuh cool teman i with my bff gi sana. Masa balik tuh i pergi dulu sbb jealous tengok dia bermesra ngan sorang girl,Kay. Still i tunggu cool untuk balik. sempat lagi cool n Kay berlari-bagai. Ugh. And end up, he left me even kitorang takde apa and continue with that Kay.Her name start with the same letter as mine. So i thought bila cool bubuh huruf tuh di what's up wechat i ingat nama i . rupanya Kay. Then tahun depan hadap dia lagi on his last year as form 5. Cool's a playboy actually. Even though he's like that,i loved him coz his effort (dulu yang ntah acah ntah ikhlas) and his my first date.Kah.Playboy yang nih agak famous di media social coz budak baru kelas i pon kenal dia.Okay end for this first playboy.


Now get back to the real story, my ex and me. Kitorang kenal 29/4 and rapat dalam wechat then turns out couple on 3/5. i'll call my ex ,L. L masa tuh buat moment pasal i but masa tuh line i slow so pic tuh warna hitam but caption 'sudikah kau jadi peneman hidup ku' so i tak cakap apa apa . then dia marah coz i like je. Rupanya L maksudkan i.Dari situlah kitorang mula bercinta. Tapi sebab dia sakit dia putuskan hubungan dengan i . dia taknak orang yang dia sayang ditinggalkan. So sweet right. But itu only alasan i thought. Coz dia bercinta jugak lepastu. Kitorang bercinta dalam 14 hari or 12 hari je. But we still contact. And i masih sayang dia.

Chat chat chat. Sweet dia buat i lebih sayang kat dia. I pernah ajak dia gb but dia tolak kot. Dalam malam raya tuh pulak dia ajak getback and i was so happy coz i waited for him.16/7/16eh ? till 27/7 kutt? Whatever lah kan. Tapi taklama jugak coz dia kata ada girl nih suka dia,Nic. Nic tahu yang L ada i but still nak kat L. L berkeras nak putus coz of Nic and I berkeras nak this relay on. But end up i harus relakan L jatuh ke tangan Nic. Then kitorang break again. He's with Nic now.

And tibalah masanya L operation. Nic taktahu kot yang L sakit but I know. I help L with semangat and doa. Even though sebelum tuh i down parah coz patah hati i still want him to live.Kawan kawan i semua tahu perasaan i. Tengah buat kerja khusus sej pun masih sedih coz thats his day. I selalu nak balik awal coz ada firasat yg dia akan chat. Yaa 2/5 of my firasat betul . he texted me but i tak sempat reply and dia dah off.

But alhamdulillah same week(?)hari jumaat, from his wechat he sent me pic. Im happy but nervous. I have thought that it was his burial pic. Oh my. But i opened it anyway not sad news actually. Its sweet news. He sent me a pic of small clip with envelope says that 'you have a message. I love u' tak ingat lah but sounds like that. So i yang memang wait him happy gila dengan pic sweet tadi. But i hampir lupa we broke up and dia dah ada Nic. Sebelum operation dia kena stay hospital a bit awal from the day thats why L boleh text me when i was in school.

I pulak ada chat Nic. U know coz L a bit playboy so i nak dengar sendiri from Nic. Rupanya Nic nih macam I , dilayan sweet sejak bulan puasa. katanya yang L nih layan dia , sing for her and do many more. Same as his way to me. So mulanya kitorang gaduh lah, me and Nic. But i say sorry coz fikir bukan bukan ,sebarkan dia nih apalah itulah. And we became kawan. Nic masa tuh form 1 .

So we broke up actually coz L not Nic's fault. But i still chat him . treat him the best. But entah maybe dia dah takde apa feel kat i. Nic pon lepastu dah takde apa with him. And dalam masa i kenal dia. Memang banyak girl suka dia termasuk a guy. Sebelum pt3 maybe i lost contact with him. But f4 chat balik ? And it was me that run after him. And tahun nih bulan tujuh, sebelum bulan tujuh gaduh dengan dia sampailah bulan nih baru chat balik. Sebab hp i rosak and the first day i bought this hp terus chat dia. And guess what,like nothing has happened. Kitorang okay cuma i perlu tukar panggilan kpd "aku,kau" and were okay till this day even i ada sakit hati dia post pic girl kat ws status but taknak tanya, malas. Nanti i sendiri sakit hati.

Actually dalam masa couple tak couple tuh kitorang banyak gaduh and pasal Nic tuh pun sebelum tuh i kata dia selfish, marah gilalah masa tuh. But lepastu i mintak maaf. Gaduh. Gaduh. Bukan salah dia tapi bukan salah i jugak sebab apa dia yang cetuskan and i terpaksa ikut. Bukanlah semua but dia buat i cemburu then i terpaksa menghilang, i decided to not chat him lah. Like that. So hmm thats why .but the fact here is , i still have a feeling on him.

But i stop tunjuk coz dah penat sakit hati . Dia baik actually . Coz dia boleh terima i seadanya masa couple while i dah pernah cakap i nih macamana sebenarnya. Cuma i dalam banyak hal banyak sakitkan hati dia coz salahkan dia and started the fight that he's the one who started it first. At the end i sedar memang salah dia sweet sweet semua tuh. But i supposed dia boleh buat tuh semua sebagai kawan i je. Cuma i yang menaruh harapan with his sweetness dan bila tahu kenyataannya i sakit hati, patah hati, down padahal salah i sendiri yg menaruh harapan while dia tak pernah memaksudkannya dengan kata kata as always with his emoji 'lol'. I supposed we should just stay with this friendship coz if bercinta,putus i kehilangan dia . dia dah habis spm kot camne kalau dia dah kahwin ke and i tak pun chat dia sebelum tuh. Haiyoo thats what I thought when realised that dia dah habis sekolah menengah.

Dan akhirnya, perasaan i yang dibazirkan selama ini kian menghilang diisi dengan kebahagiaan.Dan dia?Sudah menemui bibit bibit cinta dengan kawanku,Neyya.
p/s;ada chapter baru setelah sekian lama.Hehehe

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