
The Three Golden Rules Of Poetry

Poetry Completed 1324

When you're depressed, write poetry!
When you're happy, write poetry!
When you're hungry, write poetry!
When you're ready to puke, write poetry!
When you're exhausted, write poetry!
When you're really up, write poetry!

Write poetry because the landlord is about to evict you from
your apartment.
Write poetry because the world is gonna end tomorrow.
Write poetry because you used to be a fifteen-year-old kid with
a red guitar in the park.
Write poetry because the tests turned out positive.
Write poetry because you are the Chosen One.
Write poetry because you didn't get invited to any birthday parties.

Write poetry 'cause it's Spring.
Write poetry 'cause it's Summer.
Write poetry 'cause it's Fall.
Write poetry 'cause the soup's too hot.

Write poetry 'cause it's good for you!
Write poetry 'cause it's bad for you!
Write poetry 'cause it makes you crazy!
Write poetry 'cause it makes you sane!
Write poetry 'cause it's the diamond heart - chords - ukelele lady
- playing with fire story of my Life!
Write poetry!!!

(Or don't, what do I care?)

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