
Other Series 155

Now I get why people didn’t pick me over the other. Because I won’t pick me either

Your life is not a fairytale.
Sometimes it is like a walk in the rose garden-badly hurt by thorns.
It hurts but you keep going.

Long walk, thoughtless

I want to believe that this tears is long overdue of my last happiness

When you hold my hand,
Do you wanna hold my heart?
When you say you want me,
Is it whole of me or just one part?

I don’t have the purest heart. I am not the nicest person

I stop dreaming on the future. I don’t plan for a better life. I just do what I have to do everyday. Nothing exciting. Engage with people is hard because truthfully I just want to be alone. Hope scares me. I try so hard convincing myself that I’m not broken but my heart feels hollow, empty. Sometimes when I had a good dream, I don’t wanna wake up. I hope I won’t wake up. I told people to leave so that they can have a better life. I never told anyone how lonely I am.

Some of us might experience this sometimes in our life. May you keep going and not to give up. Better days are coming <3

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2022-07-29 08:38:18 

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