Vampire Series 466

You pass by the twisted and burned remains of several mortal mercenaries, and as time goes by you begin to wonder if any of your companions made it out. The scent of charred flesh and burnt hair are overwhelming as you catch sight of movement through the haze of smoke. You duck low, advancing defensively until you can make out two figures ahead of you, locked in combat. Through their grunts and brief vocalizations you're certain that one of them is Qui, but you can't be sure which is which without getting closer.

You examine both brawlers through the haze of smoke as you run toward them and make a snap judgment. The stance, the growling—you're certain that the one on the left is one of the Ferals you saw fighting earlier and therefore your enemy. You leap into the fray and narrowly duck a wildly-swinging claw. To your right, Qui emerges, bloodied as ever.

"Help me or get out of the way, Chasan!"

Qui is a marvel to watch in combat, and within seconds you can tell exactly why Prince Arundel chose him as the city's Sheriff. As you draw the animal-like Kindred's attention with your sudden appearance, Qui fades to the vampire's side, just out of his peripheral vision before grabbing its arm and dragging it backward, tripping it over his extended leg. Without releasing his opponent's arm, Qui brings a meaty fist down against the wrist, audibly shattering bones. The deadly claw hangs useless and the pathetic creature howls in agony as Qui repeats the process on his other arm in the time it takes you to blink.

"Grab the chain from my pack," Qui calls over to you as he restrains the wounded Anarch. "Quickly now! The Gangrel will mend soon enough!"

You rush over and fumble with the pack's straps, bringing forth a heavy set of chains. "Why the chains?" you ask. "Didn't you say you wanted to finish them all?" You hand the chain to Qui, bemused by his change of heart.

The Sheriff wraps the Gangrel's arms behind his back with practiced precision, even as the cracked bones begin to pull themselves back together. "I'm not doing him any favors," Qui says, shoving his prisoner to the floor. "Down, boy!" he yells, pulling the chain earthward with an inhumanly strong whip-crack, snapping several more bones as the restraint constricts. Qui stares down at him. "No moving until we tell you to." Now that the prisoner is bound, the Sheriff gives you an appraising look. "It looks like you're tougher than I thought, Chasan. Ward hit you like a damned truck."

"It's good to see you too, Sheriff."


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