Romance Series 5234


Ohhh ni ke perumpuan baru Dylan Bawa? hahahah tkde tes btl. Ape kau fikir ku taktau ckp bahasa melayu? Oh baby you're wrong - Jess. Kau siapa sebernya ku tak kisah kau spe kau pandai ckp Mlyu ke ape ke macam la ku kisah. Nk ckp aku tkda tes pulak dhh Rumah kau tkde cermin ke? patut la Tk pernh malu oh tedah. - tala. Ape kau cakap!!! - Jess. Kau pekak ke oh tedah - Talaa. ( menjerit - jess) . Wtf what are you doing here - dylan. There youre baby - jess. I'm not your baby - Dylan. Oh tedah bhai kena reject Hahahaha eh sorry tergelak pulak dh la malas nk layan Org cm kau mcm nenek org je ku tgk kau - talaaa. Heyyy! Dylan isn't tht girl is your assistant? How rude it's to me! - jess. Whatever Jesss so can you excuse me? I'm tired for your drama ( Eyeroll) - Dylan.
(Dylan terus tutup pintu tu belum habis lagi jess Cakapp)

( Ohyaaa Jess ni crush terok dkt Dylan dh 3 tahun tp still kena reject. Jess Kerja sbgai model International Amerika. mesti korg tertanya² Knp Dia pndai ckp Mlyu kn sbb Dia selalu travel so Dia pandai Bahasa² cm ni Okay back to the story! :") ))

heyy.. I'm sorry for jess but wht the hell that She know tht I'm here - Dylan. it's okay dylan. i also don't know . But hey Don't mind it now I want to do some breakfast for us - tala. Actually we can order Don't need to cook - Dylan. are you kidding me right now? That waste so much money. Noo we are going to cook - Tala. What?! We? - Dylan . Yesss baby (eyeroll) - Tala. Did you just...?! - Dylan. Whatever now help me - talaa . Fine You're so stubborn - Dylan. I know dylan i know - Talaa

(20 Minute later)
Finally it ready ugh I'm tired aff - dylan . Stupid Now let's eat - Tala. Whatever but i don't know that you're great at cooking i have to admit It's Delicious - dylan. Thankyou btw now I'm going to wear work clothes - talaa. alright can i join you? - Dylan. In your dream - Tala . HAHAHAHA - dylan.

( 5 minute later)
Are you kidding me!! ( on call) - dylan. Heyy What's going on? - Tala. Heyyy.... hmm You promise me if i tell you, you need to calm ok?. - dylan. Youre scaring me now - talaa. Ok.. Your office is full of blood and some word that say you're going to die - dylann. WHATTTTTTTTT?!!!!!

( siapaa yg tulis tu? Darah siapa tu? Stay tuned guysss!)


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2021-08-25 08:01:54 

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2021-06-01 21:30:02 


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