Heyy people who are reading my book :) I just wanted to tell you that, sorry that this book is only 1 chapter long BUT, I am currently writing a sequel for this book :) it will be callled "I'll Wait" and I am working on it now. Also, don't worry, for those who can't read english, I will post a malay translated one :)) so yeah. that is all, hopw you guys enjoy this book and the 2nd one <3
2018-10-25 1 Replies
Heyy people who are reading my book :) I just wanted to tell you that, sorry that this book is only 1 chapter long BUT, I am currently writing a sequel for this book :) it will be callled "I'll Wait" and I am working on it now. Also, don't worry, for those who can't read english, I will post a malay translated one :)) so yeah. that is all, hopw you guys enjoy this book and the 2nd one <3