Commander in Chief

Katy Evans

Mystery & Detective Completed 3117
(1 ratings)


All art, architecture, locations, science, and religious organizations in this novel are real. AS THE ANCIENT cogwheel train clawed its way up the dizzying incline, Edmond Kirsch surveyed the jagged mountaintop above him. In the distance, built into the face of a sheer cliff, the massive stone monastery seemed to hang in space, as if magically fused to the vertical precipice. This timeless sanctuary in Catalonia, Spain, had endured the relentless pull of gravity for more than four centuries, never slipping from its original purpose: to insulate its occupants from the modern world.

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Santilona J Lona
2020-12-02  1 Replies

sygnya cerita ne mcm siok je tpi aku tak reti la nak fham oang puti ne hahah...

Queen Nina

Assalamualaikum bg readers yg suka baca novel genre crime, action and love jemput baca novel saya, INSPEKTOR LAILA

Junita Janet
2020-08-13  1 Replies

perpect cahpter....

Katy Evans


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