The Scars

@Autumn Levander

Young Adult Series 4481
(452 ratings)


For every wound, there is a scar. Can he be by her side until the end? ____________ * Warning - Strong language. (If you feel uncomfortable when read curse words, then this is not the right place ;) Saya cadangkan, pada sesiapa yang ikhlas membaca sahaja hadir di sini. Terima kasih. Enjoy reading!

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“Tak suka tak suka! Nak abang sorang je.” Bibirnya muncung sedepa. Berharap lelaki itu akan cair. “Jangan harap, aku ceraikan kau dengan talak bla bla bla!” “Abang! Saya benci abang!” Wanita itu terus berlari lalu melemparkan heels ke arah bekas suaminya
2021-09-02  1 Replies

Done follow :)

2021-09-01  2 Replies

Yeay! Dah habis marathon... :)

Seroja Airis
2021-08-27  1 Replies

huwaaa kesiannya Tessa... Semangat tessa, you strong woman. btw Hai aina, sorry saya baru dapat baca arini :( btw thanks update chapt

@Autumn Levander


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